On visual flow in visual communication design

Abstract: This paper discusses the importance and necessity of visual flow in visual design by analyzing the design principles and methods of visual flow in visual communication design.

Keywords: visual communication, visual process, vision is composed of the eyes, the objects being viewed, and the light sources connecting the two. The change of visual phenomena is mainly based on the changes of these three elements. In visual communication design, vision is an important way to communicate. General design elements (shape and color) are also visual elements. Their certain expressions and combinations become visual languages. Design is to convey certain information through these visual languages. All kinds of macro information cause the line of sight to constantly move and change, which is called visual motion. Because of the directional induction of information, the morphological and dynamic psychological implications, the visual field of attention value is preferred (in a defined range, people's visual attention is different, the highest value of attention is the upper, left side , top left and middle, called the best view, the general design layout of the main information content in these areas, is for the viewing area preferred - editors), and constituent elements (trademarks, factory names, product names, images, titles, warnings , explanations, etc.) This is the law of visual movement. This rule is applied to the design. From the moment of attention, it is first guided by the visual flow until the end of the last image. The planning of this procedure is the spatial orientation of the constituent elements under the rules of visual motion. Designed for visual flow.

For visual communication design, a successful visual process design should guide the viewer's line of sight according to the designer's intentions, and obtain the best information in a reasonable order, quick way, and effective sense. For this reason, its design principles should be:

1. The science of visual processes. A successful visual process design should be consistent with the psychological sequence of people's understanding of the process and the logical sequence of thinking development.

2. Visibility of visual elements. In order to ensure the smoothness and smoothness of visual movement, various visual elements in the design should be visually impaired. Within the limits of perceptual capacity, visual objects must be visible and must have a certain intensity of appeal. The visual language must be readable, the meaning of all kinds of information must be easy to understand and have a corresponding visual environment.

Explain text processing, with particular attention to readability. Fonts, fonts, size ratios, vertical and horizontal positions, and kerning must all be carefully considered. The length of the lines, the distribution of paragraphs, the blankness at the beginning of the segment, the emphasis on the title, the arrangement of the chapters, and the delineation of the layout must all be properly planned.

3. The strategic structure of the design. According to different design requirements, the science, visibility, and tactics of visual communication design should be consistent throughout the visual process and form different forms of composition.

In general, the visual communication process consists of three stages of perception, namely: the first feeling, the perception process, and the last impression. Therefore, visual flow design is generally divided into the following three phases.

1. Eye catching. One design, to attract attention, is the first feeling. The so-called first feeling is the key moment of 10-15 seconds. It can catch the viewer's attention and cause people's concern and attention. For example, the novelty of the shape and the strong color attract the viewer's attention. This is called eye catching. The design elements that are used to play this role are called eye catchers. The catcher visually requires eye-catching attention and attention.

Eye catching is a psychological phenomenon of non-active attention. The size of the object stimuli can lead to changes in concentration. Among the attention-grabbing methods, the most important one is the emotional appeal method. That is, eye catchers should be able to arouse the viewer's interest and emotional resonance.

2. Communication. After attracting the viewer's attention, there is a demand for further exploration of the content. This is the task of information transmission. In the design of information communication, the image is mainly visualized through the image, the abstract concept of the word or the emotional impression of the shape and color, and the psychological feelings. It conveys the specific information and carries the medium of the information. It is also the carrier of information, such as graphics, names, signs. The names, titles, warnings, explanatory texts, etc. of these companies are then organized and processed according to the visual movement rules.

3. The impression is retained. This is the greatest desire of the design. The design method of the retention of impressions is generally based on the unified design of institutional signs or trademarks, business names, or brand names. Sometimes it is also combined with commodity graphics and placed at the end of the visual process. Appropriate position, give a certain amount of attention value, although not prominent but can enter the goal, give the viewer an aftertaste.

In addition, there is a "line of sight induction medium" that runs through the entire visual process. For example, with the aid of morphodynamics, gestures, faces, eyes, headlines, aphorisms, instructions, instructional signs, etc., through these induced media, the line of sight moves smoothly in a certain direction, from large to small, from the main to the This time, the various components of the design are connected in series and become the most active and dynamic factor in visual process design.

The above three process stages and an induction medium constitute a complete and typical visual process, but due to different design categories, different functions and requirements, different capacities and different process lengths.
In addition, the understanding of the visual process should also extend to the visual relationship of the relevant environment outside the design scope. The following observation methods should be established in the design.

1. Overall view: Put the design in a specific environment as a whole consideration. Observe in a unified visual process and determine its process order.

2. Three-dimensional view: Each aspect of a polyhedron is an associated whole, such as a box. In this whole, the sub-divisional display from the main display surface to the secondary display surface is its visual process.
3. Group view: such as serialization, combination design, etc. In the exhibition, the design, design and design of the juxtaposition, stacking and combination, natural and mutual influence, the visual process design can not be isolated, individually.

In the design of visual communication, designers can guide the viewer's attention through the above principles and methods of visual process. The ability to master and use the main lines of the visual process is to test the designer's mastery of visual process design and proficiency.

â–  Liao Rongsheng

Reprinted from "Decoration", Issue 7, 2006

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