New food packaging materials market optimistic

China's food packaging materials are an ever-growing market. Among them, the development of chemical polymer materials is particularly fast. The United States, Germany, and Italy use 4.5 million tons, 2 million tons, and 1.9 million tons of plastics for food packaging each year. It is estimated that China's food packaging demand will reach 1.5-2 million tons this year. According to analysis by industry insiders, the trend of development in the future is multi-layer composite airtight plastics, functional plastics, and the development of biodegradable plastics is relatively rapid. For example, in the United States, lactic acid is further polymerized into biodegradable plastics; Italy uses corn starch to produce biodegradable plastics, with a production capacity of 30,000 tons/year. At present, the United States, France, Italy and other countries have monopolized the multi-billion-dollar international market. China's biodegradable plastics are also developing rapidly, such as packaging materials made from starches such as potato and corn, pulp and plant fibers, and “photo-biologically controllable double-degradable” plastics, but their market share is still high. Not high, so the prospects are bright.

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